Suhas Narayan Sakarkar
Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, India
Suhas Narayan Sakarkar holds MPharm and PhD degrees and has experience of nearly 18 years in industry and academics. He pursued PhD in Pharmacy in 2000. To his credit are many published papers in national and international journals as well granted patent. He attended many conferences of national and international repute. He has guided nearly 55 students in PG course and guiding 3 PhD students. He has been invited as Speaker in many conferences and chaired few sessions. He also is a Reviewer for three to four peer reviewed journals. The area of research is basic sciences in pharmacy, zeta potential, crystallization, using chamber permeation studies. Now, he is working as Professor and Principal in Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda, Jalgaon.
Abstract : Impact of zeta potential on pharmaceuticals